Album Of The Day: The Outsiders by Needtobreathe

Album Art of Needtobreathe's The Outsiders album - The top is all black, with the words 'Needtobreathe' printed in a serif font in white. In smaller letters is 'The Outsiders' in gray below it. Behind the print, the blackness is pierced by the straight-on head of a white horse that has white hair with a red circle painted around its right eye.

Released just about 15 years ago, this was the first Needtobreathe album I was exposed to. Brothers Bear Rinehart and Bo Rinehart created this, their third album of Southern pop/rock, which finally got me to one of their shows to see what the hype was all about. Their albums never really caught my attention, but after my first live show, I was hooked. They had a great stage presence and a top-notch live setup for a club show, plus solid musicianship and influences from rock, country and gospel. The band went on to have albums I like a lot more, but some of these songs still appear in their live shows. This is a fun listen from a group which has grown a lot over the years.

Release Year: 2009
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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