Album Of The Day: Labyrinth by David Baloche

Album Art of David Baloche's Labyrinth album - A gray background has the word 'Labyrinth' on the top quarter in a large font and a darker gray color. In the center is a sphere with a maze covering the visible side of it. And above and to the right is smaller, black sphere. Both spheres cast a large shadow to the bottom right of the illustration.

David Baloche takes the words of scripture about finding peace and solace in God and sets them to beautiful, chill music. Using simple acoustic guitars and layering on piano, synths and other sounds, Baloche has created an album that encourages reflection and calm. It's definitely not a traditional "worship" album, but it is modern music that draws the listener closer to God. It's good music for slowing down and relaxing on a Sunday or any day.

Release Year: 2017
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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