Album Of The Day: Funeral by Arcade Fire

Album Art of Arcade Fire's Funeral album - Across the bottom, the words 'Aracde Fire' are made of blocky letters placed somewhat haphazardly. Above that, an orange background with the illustration of flowers and feathers in a decorative pattern, and one of the feathers is also being used as a pen. A hand is using that feather to draw some lines.

Released 20 years ago today, this first album from Canada's indie rock band Arcade Fire is often considered still one of their best, although I think some of their later albums were slightly better. I remember hearing "Neighborhood #2 (Laika)" on a CD sampler in Paste Magazine and being like, "I want to hear more of this." Their sound varies so much from the driving beat of "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)" and "Rebellion (Lies)" to the slow boil of "Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)" and "Crown of Love". Arcade Fire also play so many varied instruments throughout this album and Win Butler's vocals are on occasion replaced with RĂ©gine Chassagne on lead vocals. It's 10 great songs and a beautiful listen.

Release Year: 2004
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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