Album Of The Day: Church Music by David Crowder Band

Album Art of David Crowder Band's Church Music album - At the top it says the band name in white and the album name in a a more ornamental font at the bottom. In the middle is a large, gold metal circle with the letters 'DCB' cut out in the middle.

Released 15 years ago today, Church Music is an epic 74 minutes of music that is probably not what you grew up with at your church. (I know I certainly did not.) I love David Crowder and his band of ambitious instrumentalists because they bring the rock 'n' roll to whatever they are working on, even if it's supposed to be a album full of songs for churches to sing. There's certainly some nods to modern worship and even the classic hymns here, but it's also a rock fest and a dance party as the band incorporates even more electronic elements than in the past albums, which have been more guitar-focused. The cover of "How He Loves" made the John Mark McMillan song popular, but "Eastern Hymn", "Shadows" and "Oh, Happiness" are great songs by the band along with the rest of album. Dance!

Release Year: 2009
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