Album Of The Day: Never Take Friendship Personal by Anberlin

Album Art of Anberlin's Never Take Friendship Personal album - On a white background and table, a marble-looking bust with the top half of the head missing on the right side--it looks like it was broken off and we can see it's hollow. Overlaid on top of this picture is some blue flowers in such a way that they look like they are stuck inside the bust and protruding out the missing part of the bust.

Anberlin has been making alternative rock for most of the last 20+ years, although they took a hiatus for a few years in the late 2010s. Never Take Friendship Personal is their second album and it's been an album I play pretty regularly from them. It's probably still one of my favorite albums made by Anberlin. As with many of their songs, the lyrics are about relationships and love, sometimes beautiful and sometimes heartbreaking. Stephen Christian's vocals mix in with the guitars sometimes and float above them in other times. If you have a CD copy, enjoy the booklet which has a bunch of variations on the cover artwork.

Release Year: 2005
Listen on Apple Music
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