Album Of The Day: On My Side by Kim Walker-Smith

Album Art of Kim Walker-Smith's On My Side album - Over a heavily edited photo of a blue sky and a hillside and ground colored red, a profile shot of the artist's bust is superimposed. In large white letters is the album title, 'On My Side' and then in smaller black letters is the artist's name.

Kim Walker-Smith has been a worship leader at some of the biggest and most successful mega-churches in America. Though musically this album is very modern with pounding drums and bass, electronic elements and even strings, lyrically it reminds me of the Holy Spirit-filled Vineyard Music songs of a few decades ago. Kim Walker-Smith's vocals is definitely a highlight of this album; she can really sing beautifully and passionately to God. It's all about a personal relationship with God for her and that calls me closer to God too.

Release Year: 2017
Listen on Apple Music
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