Album Of The Day: Live At The Wetlands by Robert Randolph & The Family Band

Album Art of Robert Randolph & The Family Band's Live At The Wetlands album - On the right side, the band's name and the album title is printed on a black background. On the left two thirds is a photo of the band on stage, a black man in a sports jersey sitting in the left foreground playing a bass guitar, and drums and keyboards behind him. Between the drums and the keys are a few amps, and in front of those is Robert Randolph sitting and playing a pedal steel guitar. To the right of him, the crowd can be barely seen watching the show in the dark room.

Robert Randolph and his Family Band started playing music in their church, but then started playing in clubs as more of a jam band. I've enjoyed seeing them play their mix of rock, blues, Gospel, and even country a number of times and it's great live music if you can catch them in a city near you. This, their first album, is definitely a jam band album with the average track being over 11 minutes long. Recorded at a New York City club called "Wetlands Preserve" which closed shortly after recording, it's a fun night to listen in on. Sadly, this album does not seem to be available on streaming services currently, so you might have to seek out a CD release to listen to it.

Release Year: 2002

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