Album Of The Day: Hello Hurricane by Switchfoot

Album Art of Switchfoot's Hello Hurricane album - looking straight up, a partly cloudy sky with sun filtering through the clouds and a flock of birds flying in the foreground. The words 'Switchfoot' are printed in a large, blocky font and the words 'Hello Hurricane' are in a thin script.

Switchfoot has been one of my favorite bands since I saw them play first in 1999. Since then, I've seen the play at least a dozen times. (Maybe a bunch more. I haven't counted recently.) This album, "Hello Hurricane", is now at about the mid-point of their career so far. Lead singer Jon Foreman is a great poet and blends honest lyrics about the struggles of life with hope of better things to come. And the album rocks! "Bullet Soul", "Mess of Me" and "The Sound (John M. Perkins Blues)" have great guitars and pump me up. Songs like "Your Love Is A Song", "Yet" and "Always" bring the tempo down a bit, but still area great full-band sound and, of course, top-notch lyrics.

Release Year: 2009
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