Album Of The Day: The Heart of Worship by Matt Redman

Album Art of Matt Redman's The Heart of Worship album - A close-up photo of Matt Redman leaning forward in prayer, head bowed, holding a guitar by the neck, looking like he's praying before or after a song. The 'Worship Together' label is across the top, and it says 'The Heart of Worship' and 'with worship leader Matt Redman' towards the bottom left.

Since the mid-'90s, Matt Redman has been writing modern songs for churches across the world to sing that express praise and worship to God. Released in the UK and internationally in 1998 under the title "Intimacy", this album was released in the US with the title of Matt Redman's most popular early songs, "The Heart of Worship". This studio album has a jazzy feel to it and the lyrics long for a closer relationship to God as well as thanking him for what He has given. It's a great listen from the raucous open to "Let Everything That Has Breath" to the extended ending of "The Prayers Of the Saints".

Release Year: 1999
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