Album Of The Day: The Burning Edge Of Dawn by Andrew Peterson

Album Art of Andrew Peterson's The Burning Edge of Dawn album - In what looks like a photography studio with a generic floor and background, a middle-aged white man with a beard sits on a stool playing a guitar and looking down and off to their right. The photo is back-and-white. Across the top it has the artist name and title in a small font.

I think Andrew Peterson said once that he writes sad songs about Jesus's love. That's about right. Andrew's ninth studio album mixes his thoughts on life and love with reflections on God's love, God's beauty and the peace of God. It's a tight 10 songs—only 38 minutes—and the musicianship is impeccable. It makes my heart long for what is to come and calls me on to make it come about.

Release Year: 2015
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