Album Of The Day: Beyond These Shores by Iona

 a gray sky, a blue sea, and on the far left side a red colored landscape past the sea.

Iona mixes traditional Celtic sounds with rock/pop. The Irish band weaves together beautiful instrumental tracks with Joanne Hogg's heavenly vocals taking the lead on others. This album is centered around Irish historical figure St. Brendan and his exploration of the seas around Ireland. I love to have Iona's albums playing in the background while reading a book on a quiet weekend day; they're so epic in scope.

Release Year: 1993

Note: On streaming services, it seems like this is the 2-disc, 30th anniversary of Iona release which includes bonus tracks from the studio sessions. The original album is the first 15 tracks, about 70 minutes in total. The later tracks are just demos and unreleased tracks which may be less interesting.
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