Album Of The Day: Add To The Beauty by Sara Groves

Album Art of Sara Groves's Add To The Beauty album - In a brown wicker chair with light filtering through trees and leaves in the background, the artist, a white woman with long, brown hair, leans toward the camera. In front of her is printed her name, 'Sara Groves'. Around the photo is a green border, and at the top it has the album title. Around that green border is a larger brown border.

Sara Groves is one of my favorite singer-songwriters and I've been blessed to see her play a number of times in the last 10 years since she only lives two miles away and even hosts concerts at a small event space she owns. When this album was released, though, I was just a fan who had not heard her play in person. Mrs. Groves weaves stories of the glories and struggles of life, love and the beauty of God in a way that makes me weep, smile, and even sometimes laugh. Producer Brown Bannister and the studio musicians hit every note correctly as well. "Loving A Person" definitely made me cry the first time I heard it and it's one of my favorite songs of all time. The other songs on this album are just about as emotionally impactful.

Release Year: 2005
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

A mock-up of the Add To The Beauty Double Vinyl - a green vinyl and a cream colored vinyl with brown labels, and a gatefold package with the album cover artwork and other artwork inside.

If you enjoy this album, right now is the time to act! For the next 3 days, you can get in on the Kickstarter for this album's upcoming 25th anniversary! The album is being remastered and will only be available on vinyl and deluxe CD through this Kickstarter, so get your copy if you want it and support the artist. I know I did order a vinyl and I'm trying to decide if I should get a CD too because I have a music collection problem.

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