Album Of The Day: Acoustic Cafe by Phil Keaggy & Friends

Album Art of Phil Keaggy's Acoustic Cafe album - On a red background with a light right border, the title and artist of the album is hand-written at the top. Center and bottom is a drawing of a steaming cup of coffee on a saucer. The cup and saucer is an orange color and the coffee is black.

Phil Keaggy has been playing guitar professionally for about 55 years now and is the most talented guitarist I've ever heard on acoustic or electric guitar. On this album, though, he doesn't show off, but just plays some great songs. "Here Comes The Sun", "Make You Feel My Love", "Time After Time" and "God Only Knows" are some of the classics and the arrangements are simple and beautiful. I really enjoy Keaggy's original song, "You Have My Heart", which fits right in with these classics. This album is a chill vibe no matter if you're winding down for the night or just getting started for the day.

Release Year: 2007
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