Round Three: Treo vs. iPhone
When I posted Round Two, I had only a day or two to play around with the Palm Treo 755p. But, after spending a few weeks using it, there is plenty of reasons to keep the Treo, the biggest of which, of course, is that it's much cheaper.
After a short amount of use (and installing my favorite Palm e-mail client, SnapperMail), I found that the 3G internet connection on my Palm is nice and snappy. Sure, it's not as immediate as on Comcast at home, but it's about 4-5 times faster than my old phone (which was already 2-3 times faster than dial-up). On the Treo, they even want you to pay extra to stream TV shows to your phone, but I'm not going to do that. Apparently, you can even receive calls while you're browsing the net, so there's no reason not to be online as well.
Speaking of the Internet, the larger screen and faster download times make viewing tons of stuff on the Internet not totally a painful experience. If you stick to certain parts of the Internet, mostly those designed for reading on a phone, it works really well. Otherwise, most standards-based sites are pretty good. The best part is the mobile interface for Google Reader, which means I can read the latest blog entries and news from absolutely anywhere. I love it.
The lack of Graffiti isn't the worst thing ever, although I think I'm a bit slower at typing. Otherwise, the phone has some really nice features, from the switch on the top that toggles between vibrate and ringer and a camera that I might even use a bit for some pictures on the blog. And, of course, there's always my trusty old Palm applications that I love that are all still here too.
Well, the iPhone is out for now, but that doesn't mean it will be out forever. Once Apple builds a sleek, stable OS for the system and opens it up for developers, it will probably be my next phone after the two-year agreement is over. But we'll see.
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