Drupal To Save The World?

Jeff Robbins of Lullabot has a vision. He sees a world where anyone in the world has a tool to make websites. Here's his vision:

I can foresee a time when a small village in Nigeria will be able to open their $100 laptop, connect to the $100 server they have set up in their town hall, click "make a website" and effortlessly put the pieces together to communicate with the world and with each other. Or a third grade teacher in Indiana, working right in front of her students, will be able to plug Drupal modules into the school website that allow her class to exchange messages with a third grade class in India.

Of course, read the rest of his article to get the full story. I think it's a great idea but it will take a lot of work for everyone. And hey, if you're looking to getting into websites, jump in and learn a bit about Drupal and WordPress. If you feel you can't write some code to enhance the system, by all means, please contribute to documentation and managing of the Drupal systems in any way possible.


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