Adobe Apollo: Install Flash Applications on Your Desktop

I recently heard about Adobe Apollo, a new system developed by the new Adobe/Macromedia. In a video demonstration, they showed an eBay application using Apollo technology. With Apollo, eBay was able to make a downloadable and installable application that will work on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. You can browse the eBay site, post items to sell, etc. The application still functions if you're offline and will post your for sale items when you get back online.

This could have some big potential. It sounds like Google could easily write a Gmail application in Apollo that uses most of the existing Gmail code and allows you to browse or write offline. Plus, if there isn't already, there will be a cooler, nicer interface to browse YouTube videos as well. And for those of us who are web developers, it could be easier to use this technology to make a website work right off a CD. I guess we'll find out.


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