The Academy Awards of DVD

The guys over at The Digital Bits have been covering the wide world of DVD for a whole decade now. I've always enjoyed that they find out the advance word on DVDs. Plus, their in-depth reviews tell me all that I want to know - if the video and audio quality is good and how many special features are on the disc.

The Bitsy StatueThis week they announced their yearly awards for the DVD format, The Bitsys. This year, of course, they also branch out to HD-DVD and Blu-Ray related awards. It looks like there's great stuff here: I want to see the beautiful new copy of Seven Samurai from Criterion. Bill Hunt has talked up the extended cut of Kingdom of Heaven a lot too - apparently it's a well-made movie that suffered from excessive cutting for theaters. Of course, they rightfully moan about George Lucas and Star Wars as well. Plus, for the kid at heart in you, there's even an award category for "Best DVD - Retro Saturday Morning". I mean, who doesn't want The Animaniacs on DVD?


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