The Year 2007 Problem

I'd heard this mentioned a number of times, but it doesn't seem to be getting enough coverage. This Sunday, March 11th, starts Daylight Savings Time (DST) here in the United States. When I heard that, I thought to myself, "That's a bit earlier than past years, isn't it?" I always remember it being around the time of Easter.

As it turns out, Daylight Savings Time has been changed for the first time since 1966 by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Apparently some lobbyist convinced someone that it would be helpful to make DST a bit longer. (Long-time readers may remember that I blogged about this before it passed.) Sure enough, the idiots did this and now we could have some problems.

It seems my Debian server doesn't get the clue yet, although most sources online say that distributions from the last year or so should be patched correctly. Windows machines that have Automatic Update should be patched correctly. If you run some servers, you may want to check it out. It seems here's a good place to start.


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