James Cameron Found The Body of Jesus!?

Renowned movie director and producer James Cameron has announced that his production company is going to show a documentary where they believe they found the bodies of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and a son of theirs. No doubt most, including even the writers/directors of the documentary, are still a bit skeptical, but hey, this will work well for getting big TV viewership. Too bad I don't watch TV. ;-)

This reminds me of an independent movie that was reviewed on my site a while back called The Body. Olivia Williams plays an archaeologist who believes she may have found the body of Jesus and Antonio Banderas plays a Roman Catholic priest from the Vatican who is there to investigate. It's a nice drama of what may happen if a supposed body was found. Many persons struggle with the idea that Jesus may have died and not risen, but in the end, it's still something that we just have to keep our faith in.


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