Joost Internet TV

Everyone seems to like Skype. (Although, no one that I know ever feels free to call me.) Apparently Skype was started by the same people that started Kazaa. And apparently they're about to do it again.

Their newest project is called Joost. I'm not sure why, but apparently they're trying to recreate network TV over the Internet. I'm not sure why I'd want to choose from a number of channels because there's usually nothing on. I mean, I like podcasts on demand better.

The funnest stuff, in my opinion, is the stuff you can do while watching their full-screen TV video. Apparently you can get little semi-transparent widgets to chat with other people watching the program, get your IM application up on the screen, etc. It seems like a new way to watch TV where you are doing other interactive things right on top of the screen.

To build buzz and build up their network infrastructure, they are using that old, "You can only invite a friend or two" method. And no, I don't have any invites.


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