Drupal and a Lazy Sunday

I had big plans for today. I was going to recreate a static site in Drupal. Then, my clients at White Rock Coffee wouldn't have to wait for me to change their site. It was going to be glorious.

But no. The worst days of Minnesota summer had to be yesterday and today. Yesterday it was humid and got up to 100. Today it was much more humid but it got to 93 and was more unbearable. Every moment I've spent at my computer was me sweating profusely. It was hard to concentrate on anything. It was no fun at all.

Hopefully the next couple days will allow me to finish up my little Drupal project, but we'll see. I'll give a report when the project is done.

To keep cool, I read through probably half of Relentless, the book I talked about earlier. I'm not sure what to say about a review, but it's a very enjoyable read.


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