And We Were So Sure We Would Change The World

Robin Parrish of Infuze Magazine is so darn good that finding great articles and news that sometimes borders on being geeky. But I got no problem with that.

In this Illinois webzine article, writer Steve Arney takes a look at the side of Christian music that is subconciously blocked out for most. Some might think of it as "the dark side" of Christian music, but many, including myself, find the artists mentioned in this article to be "the real side" of Christian music.

Why? Because, even as a Christian, I have struggles in life. I deal with the temptation of lust. One of my favorite songs of all time, "The Best I Can", admits that both Andrew Osenga and I are not living in the middle of paradise. But we're working to make it that way.

This may be the Gospel that non-believers need to hear. We're not perfect. But that's not something you'll hear in a top-selling Avalon song. That's rarely something you'll hear on any Christian station. Heck, it's probably not even something you hear at your church very often. I bet that's why most people don't think Christianity is for them -- they see those who have it all figured out (or those who pretend they have it all figured out) and don't identify with that.

Let's continue to build the Kingdom of God. But let's not pretend we're in paradise yet, because we all know we're not.


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