Linux and Drupal Time!

So what have I been doing in the past month with computers? Well, of course, at work I've been doing PHP development and other exciting stuff. But that's nothing new.

Mostly, I've been playing around with Linux. Not only did I install and screw it up on an old Pentium MMX machine -- twice -- but I also decided to start renting a dedicated server to play around with. It's great to know that nodody else is running anything on that server, although it can be somewhat disconcerting to know I'm completely in charge of it. But hey, there's no better way to learn how to manage a server besides just doing it. I'll probably move this blog over to there soon.

Despite some dislike from my coworkers, I've been getting more into Drupal on my free time. I think I'm still fairly far away from contributing to Drupal, though, because I have yet to figure out how to use it well. Drupal will, though, power the release that will come later this month. Thanks to the help of all the good folks at Lullabot (and espeically their podcast), I have been learning a lot more about it, and this weekend I got to play with some of the new modules like CCK, Views, and Workflow modules. I can't wait for all these to be done, because with a little practice, then I'll be able to throw together a website pretty quick. Plus, I'll be able to make very good and tons easier to manage.


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