Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall Come Again

Today I'm playing some of my favrite Christmas tunes. Of course, they're off one of my favorite albums, Your King Has Come. It's all the best independent folk artists in a beautiful project. Apparently you can only get it from the official site, but it's worth it.

Today at work I took on a different role: parts assembler. Last night we ordered some nice furniture from the neighboring IKEA and since I had nothing else to do at work today, I was tasked to put it together.

I have to say that I'm not very experienced in this type of work, but I can do it. It's amazing how easy to read IKEA's instructions are, despite being all pictures and having no languages on them. Oh yeah, and their furniture is very easy to assemble. I put together an end table and a coffee table to go right next to our couches. It's great.

Last time I went to IKEA I picked up some Swedish chocolate at the checkout. Darn good stuff.


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