I Know How To Break A Man

Yeah, she surely did that. And now Gotee Records wants to take that papercut and pour lemon juice on it ...again.

Jennifer Knapp PhotoIn June of 2002, Jennfer Knapp played a June 1st show in St. Paul, MN with Jars of Clay and Shaun Groves and, since then, has not been seen (to my knowledge). The official word is that she's taking an undetermined-length sabbatical. In other words, like dc Talk, she might be back ...someday.

But, in order to make sure we remember her after all those years, they decided they might as well release a live album. And so, later this year, they're gonna do just that. Now, I'm sure it's gonna be pretty cool, but is that entirely necessary? I mean, she only had three albums, she already had a greatest hits album, and now she needs a live show? How about we just save up our pennies until the day she comes back instead of spending hard-earned cash on another repackaging of 10 songs I already have twice?

It just pisses me off that labels can get away with this crap. It ruins the artistry, in my opinion.


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