This Is What You Want

iPod with video photoMy sister thought I hadn't heard about it since I did not post it yet, but that's just becaue I've been too busy. Of course I knew all about the iPods, although I haven't watched all of the Keynote yet.

Apple has once again rasied the bar in electronics. Many thought they would not release the iPod with video until their current product started declining in sales. Many thought they wouldn't release it just weeks after the release of the iPod nano. But now, Apple has shown they're raising the bar yet again.

Not only does it play video on its small screen, the video quality is just about the same quality that you can play on your TV. Oh, and if you buy some cables, you can play it on your TV too. Oh wait, was I talking about TV? Yeah, you can now purchase TV shows for $1.99 at the iTunes (Music?) Store now. U2 on a iPod (Too bad I haven't watched TV in years and would rather get DVDs.) Also, besides thousands of music videos and TV shows, they have Pixar's short films for download too. (If you've never seen Geri's Game, you gotta watch it.) I'll look at the new iPod next week, and I might have to change my opinion.

Anways, so what's next for Apple? It's definitely world domination. All Apple has to do is start selling Mac OS X for my Dell machine and their already high-performing stock will be even better.


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