A God-Shaped Hole In All Of Us

Alright, I finally did it. I added Infuze Mag to my favorites list on the side.

Infuze brings God to today's culture, mainly. For example, Robin Parrish recently conducted an interview with amazing filmmaker Cameron Crowe. Although they didn't talk about Crowe's faith explicitly (and there's no mention of him being a Christian), they talk about art, beauty, and all the other things important to filmmakers. Crowe mentions a couple times that Robin picked up on things tha most others didn't, and I bet Cameron came away from that interview impressed.

That's how it should be. We can talk on the same level as non-Christians and not have to just bash them for their non-Christian elements. We should appreciate the art for what it is, not what it isn't. And Infuze is one of the few places that understands that. (Of course, they're a bit obsessed with video games and comic books, but oh well.)


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