You Can Be Yourself If You're Willin'

John Reuben PhotoDude, The Boy Vs. The Cynic is amazing! I've been listening to this album a lot recently,and it's brilliant.

Before this album, when people asked me who John Reuben was (I have a T-shirt), I'd say, "A silly Christian rapper." But no more. Mr. Zappin has always had a side of him that, on the surface, seemed to be a cynic. But I think he has a lot more wisdom in these cynical comments than we think. In this album, he challenges the so-called wisdoms on the modern church, today's political system (What? Reuben's not Republican?), and, of course, some of the music industry.

But what does it sound like musically? Sure, there's a bit of rap in there, but there's a whole lot more than that. There's a lot of guitars. There's some songs that could make it on the dancefloor, most notably "So Glad," which reminds me of something from the 80s.

If you haven't heard it yet, check it out. And if it sounds intriguing and you write for, tell me you want it.


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