Comin' At Ya Like A Whirlwind!

Well,during my lunch break I was taking a walk around The Mall (not to be confused with the mall). While there, I spied the Top 40 albums in Sam Goody and decided that we're taking over.

What do I mean? Well, take a look at my favorites of the Top 40:

Number 10 - Underoath: They're Only Chasing Safety
Number 12 - Relient K: Mmhmm
Number 13 - Emery: The Question
Number 14 - MxPx: Panic
Number 15 - Anberlin: Never Take Friendship Personal

That's not a national Top 40 list, I don't wager, but it's an amazing sign nonetheless. Tooth & Nail Records has managed to almost singlehandedly take over the hard rock/hardcore/metal business despite their sometimes "Christian" label.

Is this poised to be a new trend? Are the Christians going to finally catch up with the musicality of the mainstream? Or is it something else?

On my way out of the mall, I also saw a broken escalator. It was sooooo cool. All of its insides were showing. I wish I had a camera.


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