Out of Time

So, Third Day's coming out with a new album. Some would be excited, but looking at the signs, I'm not. I think they're losing it.

I remember the good days. In 1997 I got Conspiracy No. 5, an amazing rock album that included such songs as "Alien," "My Hope Is You," "Who Am I," and the epic "Gomer's Theme." My sisters and my parents didn't think their well-produced rock was cool, but I dugg it.

Then I got 1999's Time a day earlier than the rest of the world (thanks to Sean Von Tagen for picking me as a contest winner). It was straight-up rock and roll and included some great worshippy songs as well. The closing one-two punch of "Sky Falls Down" and "Give" were amazing. Although the album is just 40 minutes, it's still the best Third Day album. The album cover was pretty cool, but the photo of the guys pickin' tunes in their living room is still one of my favorite photos.

Not surprisingly, they got into the worship thing in a big way in 2000, but that was before it was totally cliché. Offerings was a solid collection of live recordings and new songs, but nothing to get totally excited about. Unfortunately, Christian radio killed the rock stars.

Since then, the boys in Third Day have been living like rockers but putting out formulaic worship pop junk. Of course, all the people who don't know the band's potential thought Come Together was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Whatever.

The real Third Day fans know that "40 Days" and "Come Together" are possibly the most watered down crap ever to come from a Christian rock band. And sadly, again, the Christian radio ate it up. And now Third Day has the dual markets of worship-pop and rock to deal with.

After the unmentionable fiasco that was Offerings II, Third Day tried to get back on track with last year's Wire. It was unashamed, artful southern rock 'n' roll, but I think it still lacked the full glory of their first three albums.

Wherever You Are CoversNovember 1st will find Wherever You Are hitting the streets, and if you can judge an album by its cover, this one is going to be worse than Come Together. With that pretty album cover, it might as well have a "Made for Inspirational Radio" on it or have Point of Grace's name on the album instead.

Ohh, and don't get me started on history repeating itself with The Newsboys.

This whole rant started because I was listening to my iPod at entirely random. Since I have some crappy music on there, every once in a while it come by a skipper like "Show Me Your Glory." I mentioned that I haven't listened to that album for about 3 years, two of my co-workers commented that Come Together was a solid album. If I didn't like my job so much, that would be the end of the relationship. Of course, I guess I should expect as much from people who like MercyMe and Casting Crowns. Poor radio listeners.

I guess I will have to reveal my true identity at work: Dan da Christian Music Snob. I call it an occupational hazard. If you're gonna run a website, you have to make some enemies. Even if all these bands have a good "ministry," that doesn't mean they're making good music. Ohh, and one of my poor coworkers doesn't like Derek's I See Things Upside Down.


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