I'm having trouble thinking of stuff to talk about. I want to blog something, but nothing much is going on.
One thin it looks like I'll be doing this week is updating softwares on websites. Because of this huge XML-RPC vulnerability (and a couple other things), every piece of software is updating. I've got updates to WordPress that I installed, plus I need to update my versions of phpBB and Drupal. It's a pain, especially since almost all of those are customized in some way.
My favorite upgrade, though, was upgrading my WordPress blog administration interface to the Tiger Admin. Apple afficandos will claim it's cool because it looks like Mac OS X Tiger, But the really cool part is that it looks much cooler than the default administration area of WordPress. Plus, if you're using a less-than-capable browser (like IE), it still runs the old admin interface.
This cool interface makes me want to design something cool in CSS for my blog. It could be amazing... if I get a chance to do it.
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