My Podcast Subscriptions

So what have I been listening to recently on my iPod on the way to work? Good question!

Much like my last post about Digg, I've been listening to their official podcast: Diggnation. As well as covering the week's biggest Digg stories in a half hour, they sample a new beer or two every week.

Another one I've picked up is the Catholic Insider. Fathjer Roderick Vonhögen of the Netherlands gives his listeners an inside look into the Catholic church and other things. I really enjoyed listening to his on-site coverage of the choosing of a new Pope in Rome. And he offers a spiritually-minded look at Star Wars and Harry Potter via his podcasts too. It's definitely worth a listen, and maybe even if you're not Roman Catholic. I just looked at the website and noticed that his latest project is an audio commentary track you can play with your Star Wars movies for his thoughts on them. That should be cool.

Another thing I thought was cool was the coverage it gets because of the popularity. At the Podcast Awards it not only won the Religion category, but it also was nominated for "People's Choice" award too. Also, the show is one of the top-rated podcasts on, so it is part of a podcast that play the top 10 of the week. Podcast found acually plays this podcast list to a talk show station on Sirius Sattelite Radio, so it should get some good listening there. And it's great to see a faith-based podcast right up there next to podcasts about tech and sex.


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