The Return Of Furious?

For those who do not know, here's a bit of background. About ten years ago the band delirious? was formed, and along with them their independent label, Furious? Records. Currently, Furious? Records and it's Fierce! Distribution deliver all the best Christian music to the UK marketplace. A couple years ago Furious? Records tried to launch a US division, which allowed more artistic freedom and better marketing for All Star United and delirious? in the American marketplace. Sadly, the venture did not work, and within a year delirious? was back on their old home, Sparrow Records.

However, I think now is the time to try again. delirious? is releasing a new album this fall, so what better time to try doing it themselves again? Plus, they have some great bands they would probably be able to easily sign with a little coaxing and a good plan for mainstream marketing. The most obvious candidate is The Rock 'n' Roll Worship Cirucs, easily considered one of the most progressive rock artists in the industry but is yet not currently signed to a record label. The next candidate is The Elms, the ultimate rock 'n' roll band with a classic, American sound. Of course, the band would rather be on a non-Christian label for good reason, but if Furious? did a good job and leveraged their distribution through EMI, it could be a killer combination.

C'mon, delirious?! The Americas need a decent record label again. Well, I guess I don't mind too much the fact that all the best artists are independent and doing exactly what they want, but it'd be nicer for these amazing artists to gain a higher profile.


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