Ode To Netflix

Alright, folks, it's time time. For a couple weeks now I've been trying out Neflix, the original online movie rental company. And, well, so far, it's great.

For $14.96 I get to rent two movies at a time. I can basically rent as many as I can squeeze into a month, for whenver you send them a movie back, they send the next available one in my Queue of movies I want to see. They pay for the postage, and within two days of sending one in, I get a new one. Nice, fast turnaround.

The only problem is that, right now, I checked out a couple movies that I've seen and wanted to show to my roomate. But I found out that he's not gonna hve time to watch movies until Friday, so I guess I'll have to wait until then to watch Unbreakable and Kung-Pow: Enter The Fist. I should've gotten something that he didn't really care to see and watched it tonight, but oh well. I guess that means I'll have to work on these websites....


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