An Incredible Week

This past week was kinda ho-hum. I didn't get too much productive done, but it wasn't just a waste either.

But this next week is gonna be amazing. First of all, Thursday's St. Patrick's Day. Hopefully that means at least a glass of Guinness. Second of all, I'm going to hang out with my family a bunch and my sister is going to be in her senior play.

But the biggest one is on Tuesday: The Incredibles on DVD! I've seen this movie in theaters three times, but I'm still looking forward to actually owning it and seeing all the special features. Seriously, if you haven't seen this movie, you'd better rent it Tuesday night, because you don't know what you've been missing. Better yet, just buy it Tuesday because I know you're gonna like it.

OK, so maybe I'm a little too excited about the movie. I tend to do that with movies I like. But, then again, I've never heard of anybody who hated the movie...


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