Is Apple The New Microsoft?

I know, you Apple purists are now throwing up your hands in resignation, saying, "I thought Dan was turning to our side!" Well, I think I still am, but recent acctions by the big fruit company are making me wonder. For those who missed it, a number of months ago Apple sued a company who was publicly publishing insider secrets that Apple wanted to keep quiet. (Apple is well known for their extreme secrecy.) And this week the judge delivered a preliminary ruling in Apple's favor saying that the websites should discolose their sources (although the websites admittedly get some of these from employees who let some info slip, either purposely or accidently. So Forbes asks, Is Apple The New Microsoft? I think it's a very good question, because Apple's basically discouraging all their biggest fans from following the company as much as they do. Apple has made a name for themselves becaue their fans are so charismatic about their favorite company, but if sharing the secrets of the company (or any other company in the world too) was illegal, would anybody care?


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