An Exciting New Local Band

Hey all,

A couple of my friends have started a band! My friends Andy and Hugh have started a band with brothers Rich and Joe Larson. (For those of you who were at camp last summer, you may remember Rich playing guitar for us a bit - he's phenomenal.)

Although right now the band's just listed as "Rich Larson" on the website, the guys will be playing at Club 3 Degrees. It's $7 to get in and they're playing the first slot right at 7:30. Oh yeah, it's this Friday, the 11th. So if you want to hear some good, original music, join me and my friends!

There are some downsides to Club 3 Degrees, but I think it'll be a good gig anyways. I'm also looking forward to future gigs where they'll be playing at bars and pubs instead of the non-alcoholic, no-cover-songs, spankin'-clean Christian club.


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